Burn’s Night

Burn's night supper - haggis, neeps & tatties, whisky sauce by Waitrose

January 25th is Burn’s night.  Time to celebrate all that is Scottish and of course all that is haggis.

I think haggis is really delicious, so I will be cooking up a quick Burn’s Night mid-week supper to mark the day, as I do every year.  It’s always so easy – haggis is a most amazing ready-meal.

It’s warm and hearty and takes minutes to cook in the microwave if you’re in a real hurry.  If you have more time you simply put it into a preheated oven in a dish with a little water and leave it to heat through thoroughly.  So it couldn’t be easier.

A drizzle of whisky over the top just before serving will make all the difference, as will a simple whisky and cream sauce to spoon alongside.  If you want a guide give this tried and tested Waitrose recipe a go – as seen in their photo above.

Neeps and tatties are a traditional accompaniment.  Neeps actually refer to swede rather than, as the name might suggest, parsnips or turnips.  Mash them up with some butter and maybe a dash of cream, a little nutmeg and seasoning and you’re ready to eat.


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